Purple Pulse Project Co-Ordinator

Responsible to:
Night Time Economy Advisor and CEO

Job Purpose

The Purple Pulse Project Co-Ordinator is integral to the successful development, deployment, and operation of the Purple Pulse App project in Sligo Town. The role focuses on engaging local businesses and community champions, ensuring smooth app adoption, and fostering collaboration with stakeholders to address anti-social behaviour.

Key Responsibilities

  1. App Promotion
  • Develop and execute a marketing strategy within budget and deadlines, including press releases, marketing materials, advertisements, and training manuals.
  • Actively promote the app to local businesses and community groups (e.g., Tidy Towns).
  • Build strong partnerships with businesses to encourage participation and adoption.
  1. App Usage
  • Oversee the testing phase with 20 pilot businesses to identify and resolve bugs or usability issues; collaborate with An Garda Síochána as required.
  • Conduct onboarding sessions for businesses within the Sligo BID area, aiming to register and train 250 businesses initially.
  • Provide in-store training and ongoing support for business staff.
  • Address user queries via phone and email.
  • Organize retraining sessions or information workshops based on user feedback.
  1. App Maintenance
  • Monitor app functionality and coordinate with technical support to address issues or incorporate improvements.
  • Ensure the app is consistently operational and secure for users.
  1. App Data Management
  • Regularly analyse app data to identify patterns, trends, and areas requiring intervention.
  • Produce and disseminate monthly reports for:
    • Internal team use
    • BID members
    • External stakeholders, including AGS (An Garda Síochána) and the Department of Justice.
  1. Grant Alignment and Compliance
  • Ensure that all grant conditions and targets are met, including interim and milestone reporting.
  • Submit monthly financial reports to the line manager.
  • Secure three quotes for all project-related expenditures to comply with procurement guidelines.
  1. Additional Duties
  • Conduct surveys and gather relevant data from businesses to support BID initiatives.
  • Highlight and share information on upcoming events, projects, and opportunities beneficial to BID members.

Project Objectives, Outputs & Outcomes

Project Objectives

  • Engage 250 businesses and community champions to actively use the app within project window (March-October)

Project Outputs

  • Collect six months of anti-social statistics during the project period.
  • Establish closer collaboration between 250+ businesses, community groups, and An Garda Síochána.
  • Achieve a 10% reduction in anti-social incidents once baseline figures are established.

Project Outcomes

  • Transition from anecdotal reporting to fact-based data for anti-social behaviour in Sligo Town.
  • Enhance both the perception and reality of safety in the town.
  • Foster a sense of partnership among businesses, community groups, and law enforcement.

Ideal Candidate

To succeed in this role, the ideal candidate should demonstrate:

  • Strong project management and communication skills.
  • Familiarity with Sligo town and Sligo businesses
  • Proficiency in data analysis and report generation.
  • Ability to engage and train diverse stakeholder groups effectively.
  • Familiarity with community development, crime prevention, or digital tools.


Purple Pulse About

Purple Pulse is an app which will serve as a shared, collaborative data gathering device allowing businesses and community champions to log anti-social incidents, outcomes, locations, dates and times. Users will be able to select from an agreed set of incident categories and outcome options and log date and time and additional details. Community champions refer to those active in their community e.g. Sligo Tidy Towns, Sligo Neighbourhood Watch groups who might be active in locations along the riverside and parks where there isn’t as strong a business presence.

It will enable Sligo town to have real time and monthly analytics and identify patterns in relation to anti-social behaviour.

This app is supported by the local Garda station and they will be able to send out immediate alerts to registered users e.g. counterfeit notes in circulation to improve dissemination speed of critical information. The app reports could inform future patrol routes and assist in crime reduction.

The key to its success will be the community partnership aspect. The more businesses and community champions actively engaging in the app, the greater the impact for the town. We have successfully secured funding for the development of the app but require support to develop marketing collateral and bespoke training to engage businesses and get 250 businesses and community champions signed up and inputting data.

Replicating successful existing initiatives with the Association of Town and City Management in the UK, this would be a first such pilot programme within the Republic of Ireland. The programme would be operated utilising SMART goals and objectives.


This is a 8 month contract commencing the week of 3rd March 2025.

Sligo BID recognises that this role will be one of low and high intensity of activity and it is the responsibility of the contractor to manage the timeline of expected outcomes. Sligo BID may assign other work to the contractor when and where appropriate. A review will be conducted per quarter with the CEO of Sligo BID and the NTE Advisor.

The role offers flexibility with working offsite and includes an average weekly commitment of 2.5 days per week. Renumeration for this role is set at €2,775 per month with the contractor taking responsibility for tax related matters.

Please apply in writing with a cover letter and full C.V. and email to edel@sligobid.ie and indicate if you wish to be considered for this full-time position. Interviews will be held in late February.
